Ballade Supreme for a Supergroup For years I’ve been your fangirl, from afar. A hundred million smalti, sparkling gold, cannot upstage the spectacle you are. You’re absolutely fabulous -- threefold! You’ve stepped in sync through eras. Strutted. Strolled. Tight pants in triple shades of leopard skin show off the way each well-turned calf and shin remains unique, despite same-swiveled hips. I’d hoped to see you, live; that’s hit the bin. Your thrills will have to be another trip’s. Your Phrygian caps (rust-red, not cinnabar), said “Persians!” once, though modern eyes are told “The Smurfs!” or “Santa!” In the repertoire of flourishes your cape-hems have unscrolled, one hears “Magician!”, mostly -- but I’m old enough that my pop-culture-reference din adds “Liberace!” “Presley!” “Brown!” I grin. Those Vegas vibes enhance, and don’t eclipse, your splendor. Sigh. My starstruck smile turns thin. Your thrills will have to be another trip’s. Although I’ve failed to see you, au revoir. Who knows how your finale might unfold? Christ’s mother might be offered caviar from those impressive vessels that you hold, or Tuna à la King, glam-casseroled! I’ll miss it. Mom is set on turning in. Blame jet lag. (I admit, to my chagrin, I’m sleep-starved, too.) Though FOMO whines and nips -- it knows I’ll never pass this way again -- your thrills will have to be another trip’s. Your Majesties, please tell my friends within the chorus line of virgin saints you spin before (Epiphany/Apocalypse?), “She’s sorry, but she’s short adrenaline. Your thrills will have to be another trip’s.” Julie Steiner Julie Steiner is a pseudonym in San Diego, California. Her poetry has appeared in Literary Matters, The New Verse News, The Able Muse Review, Rattle, Light, The Asses of Parnassus, and American Arts Quarterly, among other venues. She recently embarked on her third decade as an active participant in the Eratosphere online poetry workshop (
1 Comment
Susan McLean
1/7/2025 07:26:35 pm
Absolutely fabulous!
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