Of the Wind I sing for you, the merry games of lust, with eyes like shrines and flickering icy shines to harmonize with glacier’s turquoise dust who groans in waterfalls and surging pines. Let bells roar mightily in spheric valleys; waves, let waves fold warmth aweigh. My bride, a campanula’s prayer, an apple-scented ghostly whiff ... Enchanted strays! Must I deform my limbs to keep you near? For nature’s huntsmen morph forevermore? As moonlight, airflow, floods the storm will tear our fervor; I’m but petrified and sore. I mourn for you, the blind ones’ passionate arts, with ears enclosed from my confiding heart. Sophie Kehan Chen Kehan Chen is a sophomore at Dover-Sherborn High School. Through her imaginative expression and intellectual inquiry, Kehan invites readers to understand love and passion through semi-surrealistic metaphors, strong inquisitive voices, and vivid auditory and olfactory experiences. Passionate for poetry, short stories, and classical music, Kehan’s poems are inspired by not only poets such as Heine, Keats, Tagore, and Hsu Chih-mo, but also novelist Turgenev and composer Ravel.
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February 2025