Traveling Circus In my tear, That is where they exist: Cute magician, ventriloquist, Fat Lady sitting asmile atop an obelisk. A train of thought? Perhaps a gist. Swami, charmer-somnambulist, No dream, this precipice. A movie screen -- Two-dimensional, white. Heretofore abstracted themes come alight, And encore, encore, encore. A stilted Mex, Diver’s eye, Bewitches a lissome trapezist. One-ringed escapade, that get. The acrobatics of smile ponder midair, Take the sway to the fore then diminish. The tumultuous sigh of an angry gibe Loosed upon a vacant arena. Painter, Poet with sentient eye, ear, If the image exists in turbidity, remain enigma, With the Noh mask, clown’s makeup. Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino Gregory Vincent St. Thomasino has a degree in philosophy from Fordham University. In 2009 he received the Distinguished Scholar Award from the Doctor of Arts in Leadership program at Franklin Pierce University in New Hampshire. His poetry and prose have appeared in Barrow Street, New York Tyrant (V3.3), jubilat, Verse Wisconsin, Cordite and Dispatches from the Poetry Wars. His most recent volumes are The Valise (Dead Academics Press, 2012), Selected Poems (Bibliotheca Universalis, 2017) and Two Short Novels (Bibliotheca Universalis, 2017). The Wet Motorcycle is forthcoming. He lives in Brooklyn Heights, New York, where he works as a private docent.
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