The Ekphrastic Review is an online journal devoted entirely to writing inspired by visual art. Our objective is to promote ekphrastic writing, promote art appreciation, and experience how the two strengthen each other and bring enrichment to every facet of life. We want to inspire more ekphrastic writing and promote the best in ekphrasis far and wide.
The Ekphrastic Review is a unique resource that runs out of pocket on love. Consider a gift, small or large, to support us.
We nominate writers for Best of the Net, Best Microfiction, Best Small Fictions, and the Pushcart Prize.
Founding Editor
Lorette C. Luzajic
[email protected]
Kate Copeland
Sandi Stromberg
Social Media Team
Christa de Brún
Kate Bowers
Editor Bios
Kate Copeland started absorbing words ever since she was a little lass. Her love for language led her to teaching & translating; her love for art and water to poetry. You can find her pieces at The Ekphrastic Review, Poets’ Choice, First Lit.Review-East, Wildfire Words, AltPoetry and beyond. Over the years, Kate worked at literary festivals and Breathe-Read-Write-sessions, this year she runs linguistic-poetry workshop for the IWWG. And now, she is a challenge curator and editor for The Ekphrastic Review. To see and sense all forms of art, and to then put those experiences on paper is an incredible adventure, uplifting and daring…in all ways and manners interesting. Her Insta reads: Kate was born @ harbour city and adores housesitting @ the world.
Lorette C. Luzajic is a writer, editor, educator, and visual artist in Toronto, Canada. She studied journalism at Ryerson University in Toronto, but preferred creating and exhibiting mixed media art to the newsroom. Deeply passionate about art history and literature, these have been ongoing areas of study for decades. Lorette's prose poetry and flash fiction, mostly ekphrastic, have appeared in about a dozen anthologies, and hundreds of journals, including Cultural Weekly, Macqueen's Quinterly, Indelible, Axon, Cabinet of Heed, JMWW, Ghost Parachute, Citron Review, Tiny Molecules, Cleaver Magazine, Unbroken, Fatal Flaw, and Miramichi Flash. She has been nominated four times each for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. She has also been nominated three times for Best Microfiction and twice for Best Small Fictions. Her story was shortlisted for the Bath Flash Fiction Awards. One of her flash stories won first place in a contest at MacQueen's Quinterly. Her latest books are collections of ekphrastic prose poems and small stories: Winter in June, and Pretty Time Machine. Lorette is an award-winning visual artist whose work is regularly shown in Toronto and nearby, and has also been exhibited in Mexico, Tunisia, Chicago, Los Angeles, Edinburgh, Ireland, Australia, in a magazine ad campaign for Madrid-based jewelry company Carrera Y Carrera, on the Marilyn Denis show, and as a 20 ft. billboard in New Orleans. She has been a jury member for the Boynes International Emerging Art Awards out of Australia, as well as for the city of Barrie Arts Awards. Her art has been collected in at least 30 countries, from Peru to Saudi Arabia. Visit Lorette at
Sandi Stromberg is a devotee of ekphrastic poetry and a frequent contributor to The Ekphrastic Review. In addition to being nominated three times for a Pushcart Prize, twice for Best of the Net, and receiving a Fantastic Ekphrastic Award, she has been published in many literary journals and anthologies. She has also acted as a guest judge of the Review’s biweekly challenges and even contributed a Throwback Thursday. After a career as an award-winning magazine feature writer and editor, she then edited two poetry anthologies, which gave voice to some 150 other poets--Untameable City: Poems on the Nature of Houston and, with Lucy Griffith, Echoes of the Cordillera, a collection of ekphrastic poems based on the incredible photography of Jim Bones.
Social Media Team Bios:
Kate Bowers is a Pittsburgh based writer who has been published in Sheila-Na-Gig, Rue Scribe, and The Ekphrastic Review. Her work appears in the anthology Pandemic Evolution: Poets Respond to the Art of Matthew Wolfe by Hayley Haugen (Editor) and Matthew Wolfe (Contributor). Kate maintains a reading blog “So Read This” that can be found at She works as a technical writer for Pittsburgh Public Schools, the second largest urban public school system in Pennsylvania, where she specializes in philanthropy and program design.
Christa de Brún is an Irish academic and poet. Her poetry was shortlisted for the Anthology Poetry Prize 2020 and the Roscommon Poetry Prize at the Strokestown International Festival 2020. She was most recently published in The Ekphrastic Review, New Word Order and in the anthologies Addictions collated by Veronica Aaronson and Cathal Buí Selected Poems 2021.