Lucky 7: an Ekphrastic Marathon
Lucky 7: an Ekphrastic Marathon
Join us on July 17, 2022 for our craziest challenge yet!
It’s an ekphrastic marathon! With amazing guest judges, Meg Pokrass for flash, and Brent Terry for poetry.
Write to fourteen different prompts, poetry or flash fiction, in thirty minute drafts.
We will gather in a specially created Facebook page for prompts, to chat with each other, and support each other.
Time zone or date conflicts? No problem. Page will stay open for one week. Participate when you can. The honour system is in effect- thirty minute drafts per prompt, fourteen prompts. Participants can do the seven hour marathon or two sessions of 3.5 hours.
Polish and edit your best pieces later, then submit five to our Lucky 7 e-chapbook.
One poem and one flash will win $100 each.
Thank you to our flash judge Meg Pokrass for the marathon technique.
Marathon: July 17, 2022 10 am to 6 pm EST (including breaks)
(For those who can’t make it during those times, any hours that work for you are fine. For those who can’t join us on July 17, catch up within one week.)
Entry: $10 CAD
Story and poetry deadline: July 31, 2022
poetry and flash, 500 words max- include a brief bio, 75 words or less
[email protected] (MARATHON in subject line)
Chapbook e-anthology selections and winning entries announced sometime in September.