A Doge The foreign envoys saw how miserly they were with him and all his actions, for while spurring him to great authority, they hedged the golden dogeship round with more and more restraints and watchdogs, out of fear (as one keeps lions), so they might not be attacked by the same power that they were maintaining warily in him. But he, protected by his half-veiled wits, was not aware of what they did, and did not pause in growing greater. What the Council thought to overcome inside of him, instead he overcame himself. In his gray head it was subdued. His face showed how it was. Rainer Maria Rilke, translated by Susan McLean Ein Doge Fremde Gesandte sahen, wie sie geizten mit ihm und allem was er tat; während sie ihn zu seiner Größe reizten, umstellten sie das goldene Dogat mit Spähern und Beschränkern immer mehr, bange, daß nicht die Macht sie überfällt, die sie in ihm (so wie man Löwen hält) vorsichtig nährten. Aber er, im Schutze seiner halbverhängten Sinne, ward dessen nicht gewahr und hielt nicht inne, größer zu werden. Was die Signorie in seinem Innern zu bezwingen glaubte, bezwang er selbst. In seinem greisen Haupte war es besiegt. Sein Antlitz zeigte wie. Rainer Maria Rilke N.B: We don't know which doge portrait inspired Rilke's poem, but the translator believes the one above is a good candidate. Rainer Maria Rilke (1875-1926) was one of the leading modernist poets in German. He was born in Prague, but traveled all over Europe. He served for a while as Rodin's secretary and was deeply interested in the visual arts. Susan McLean is a retired professor of English from Southwest Minnesota State University. She has published two books of her own poetry and a book of translations of Martial's Latin epigrams. She also translates poetry from French and German.
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