A Titanic Triad Her All (for Charlotte Collyer) He left her without wanting to, wallet in his trouser pockets, on an April night when her world sunk to the bottom of the Atlantic, a boneyard of whale falls and a White Star, so shattered. He went down then, with his wallet in tow— her all—on a night when ice split the ship without warning. She lived, and Marjorie too. He went down then, into the sea, turning his head after seeing them set off, and she watched the sinking from afar. Afterwards, wrapped in a blanket, her hands caught up in themselves and still lost, she wondered at how quickly the world had shifted-- that vessel upended, her life ruined, sitting next to a child with haunted eyes. Blessed with Bad Luck (for Marjorie Collyer) This poem is for the little girl with the haunted eyes: for the one who lost her youth along with her father, and who spent a lifetime running from bad luck, and who believed she was cursed until the day she died. She was old enough to still feel the pain in her shoulder, tossed into a lifeboat and landing badly. She was old enough to still hear the sounds of the band playing until it was swallowed up by the ocean. She was young enough to know that she’d lost her doll, that it had been cast to the bottom with her father, bereft. This is a poem for that girl, the little one with the haunted eyes. Anatomy of a Photograph—June 1912 It was taken in Payette, Idaho, on a front porch swing. Proof of life. Draped her with that White Star blanket, certain of its provenance. Her eyes drift, search for something beyond the angle of frame or dimension. Lose a husband, but keep a blanket, and a daughter who can’t look away. Kim Fahner Kim Fahner lives and writes in Sudbury, Ontario. She was the fourth poet laureate of Greater Sudbury (2016-18). Her most recent book of poems is These Wings (Pedlar Press, 2019). Kim is a member of the League of Canadian Poets, a supporting member of the Playwrights' Guild of Canada, and is the Ontario representative for The Writers' Union of Canada (2020-22). She is currently at work on a new play. Kim may be reached via her author website at www.kimfahner.com
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February 2025