New Deadline- November 13, 2021!! After a few requests and much consideration, we have decided to extend the Ekphrastic Sex deadline until November 13. We encourage you to finish your entries and send them in! $10 CAD entry fee gets you a red hot collection of sixty paintings and other artworks from art history on the theme of human sexuality. First prize each in flash fiction and poetry is $150 CAD. Ekphrastic Sex: the Contest We are absolutely thrilled to have Alexis Rhone Fancher as our guest judge for our ekphrastic contest on the theme of sex!!!!! Alexis is an ekphrastic contributor and she is also well known for her sensational writing on themes of human sexuality. Our special Adults Only ekphrastic sex ebook has sixty artworks on various themes and interpretations of human sexuality. The ebook is $10CAD and purchase includes entry fee. Alexis will choose one winner in flash fiction and one in poetry from a selection of finalists. Prizes are $150CAD in each category. RULES 1. Click on button below to purchase your ebook of sixty visual art prompts on the theme of sex. 2. Write from any or all of the artwork prompts. You may submit up to five pieces per entry. 3. You may write flash fiction or poetry, up to 1000 words each. 4. We are looking for inspired, literary works on the complexity of the subject matter. This may of course on occasion include sensitive language and frank, mature discussion. We aren't looking for smut, however, or gratuitous, porny work without nuance. Your poem or story should be a work of art, not a Penthouse letter. 5. Deadline is November 13, 2021. 6. Send your entry to [email protected]. In subject line, put EKPHRASTIC SEX CONTEST. 7. A heads up that complicated formats or spacing is difficult or impossible to reproduce faithfully online. 8. Your work must be inspired by the prompts in the book. It can be a deep dive into the art's history or let the work trigger your imagination in a different direction. 9. The judge's decisions are final. 10. The winners will each receive $150. Winners will be paid by PayPal. 11. Winners will be chosen and announced in December 2021. 12. Please include a third person biography up to 100 words. ** Alexis Rhone Fancher is published in Best American Poetry, Rattle, Hobart, Verse Daily, Plume, Tinderbox, Cleaver, Diode, The American Journal of Poetry, Spillway, Nashville Review, Poetry East, and elsewhere. Her published books include: How I Lost My Virginity to Michael Cohen & other heart stab poems (Sybaritic Press, 2014), State of Grace: The Joshua Elegies (2015), Enter Here (2017), and The Dead Kid Poems (2019), each published by KYSO Flash Press, and Junkie Wife (Moon Tide Press, 2018). EROTIC: New & Selected, New York Quarterly (published in March of 2021), and Stiletto Killer, a full-length collection (in Italian) to be published in 2022 by Edizioni Ensemble, Italia. Also coming up in 2022, New York Quarterly will publish Alexis’ next book, a full-length erotic follow up to Enter Here, entitled BRAZEN, and DUETS, an ekphrastic chap-book written with poet Cynthia Atkins, will be published by Harbor Editions. Her photographs are featured worldwide, including the covers of Witness, Heyday, Blink Ink, Nerve Cowboy and The Pedestal Magazine. A multiple Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, Alexis is poetry editor of Cultural Daily. ** Content Warning You must be over 18 to view the contents of this publication. Some people may find the artworks here to be offensive. More than likely, everyone will be offended or disturbed by some of the images. While the works shown are all paintings, drawings or sculptures, some are extremely explicit, and some were created intentionally as pornography before the camera existed. Human sexuality is complex and varied and involves a wide range of practices, bodies, and themes. It is not always healthy or kind, and everyone’s view of what is acceptable or normal differs. The purpose of curating this collection is not to simply showcase beautiful artworks with bare breasts. It is to delve deeply into both the dizzying heights and the darkest recesses of the history of art, culture, and the human psyche, on themes related to human sexuality. It is about making your writing more naked than ever before. Adults Only: Ekphrastic Sex ebook
Sixty curated artworks on the theme of sex, to inspire your ekphrastic writing practice. Content Warning You must be over 18 to view the contents of this publication. Some people may find the artworks here to be offensive. More than likely, everyone will be offended or disturbed by some of the images. While the works shown are all paintings, drawings or sculptures, some are extremely explicit, and some were created intentionally as pornography before the camera existed. Human sexuality is complex and varied and involves a wide range of practices, bodies, and themes. It is not always healthy or kind, and everyone’s view of what is acceptable or normal differs. The purpose of curating this collection is not to simply showcase beautiful artworks with bare breasts. It is to delve deeply into both the dizzying heights and the darkest recesses of the history of art, culture, and the human psyche, on themes related to human sexuality. It is about making your writing more naked than ever before.
10/15/2021 01:31:01 pm
Hi! Just to let you know I've spread word about the contest and new deadline x
10/15/2021 01:34:26 pm
We really appreciate that!
10/15/2021 02:09:19 pm
It's no trouble at all :-)
Karen Lethlean
11/2/2021 06:05:09 pm
I do appreciate the chance to perhaps enter this competition. But I am currently using a school computer, and perhaps not! I will try again at home.
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