Fount Her crimson waistcoat converts to a boat in alchemy’s pleated waves, her bowler hat sprouts wings. Not the wings of a gossamer angel but wood— stagecraft’s sturdy matter. A sash unwinds, a rig for steering. Alone, unbound, she pulls fine cords to set her course, blackbirds watching undercover. Compass aligned between science and magic, she discovers the river’s source: a hollowed tree where a goblet rests on a round table, refills itself, pouring a river. Jennifer Markell Jennifer Markell’s first poetry collection, Samsara, was published in 2014 by Turning Point. It was named a “Must Read Book of Poetry” for 2015 by the Massachusetts Book Awards. It was also a Finalist in the Next Generation Indie Book Awards. Markell won the Barbara Bradley award in 2015 and the Firman Houghton award in 2016 from the New England Poetry Club. Her work has appeared in publications including Ars Medica, Consequence, The Hawaii Pacific Review, Rhino, Tinderbox, and The Women’s Review of Books. Markell works as a psychotherapist with special interest in therapeutic uses of writing.
Gregory E. Lucas
5/4/2018 11:05:41 am
What a wonderful poem! It has great imagery and a very nice rhythm.
Jennifer markell
5/4/2018 11:15:21 am
Thank you, it was a wonderful exploration to stare at her work and see what I could find!
Susan Hankla
8/25/2019 11:04:37 am
What a beautiful poem about a powerfully resourceful woman, who can
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