Place Me Like a Seal Over Your Heart (A Golden Shovel) "Set me as a seal upon your heart, for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: its flashes are flashes of fire, a most vehement flame." Song of Solomon 8:6 Workmanlike, I lift the hod, set it on my back. Show me what needs doing, and I will, as stolid as a draft horse leaning into the yoke. Many mock me as a simpleton, but I bear willingly the original seal laid on Adam, to work by the sweat of his brow. Upon me falls the same injunction. Let it be done to me, according to your word, I say. I find pleasure in sweat, in the pounding of my heart; Decades have made maul and trowel as comfortable for me as my own hands. The sawblade sings my love for the thing done well. What is finer than the crossbar true beneath the level, the strong fence, the well-joined table? As a father, I pray my children outlive me, but neither shall death rob me of what I’ve made. I feel jealousy before the cathedral, Stonehenge, the menhir. Behind them is my twin, separated by time. It’s cruel that one day my hands will tremble, that I’ll only watch as others labor. The trick will be the reachable task, even the preparation of my grave; As my world contracts, I’ll survey the spot, map its length, dig it deep, shore it up. Only in flashes can I imagine what comes after, glimpses that are swallowed as quickly as they come. Only in flashes can I set aside fear and trust that the god of Eden will know of my nature and either smelt me anew in his unquenchable fire, or craft me otherwise, making me more like a candlewick, most comfortable when consumed, even by vehement flame. Devon Balwit
This poem is from the just released Risk Being/Complicated, a full-colour illustrated collection of poems by Devon Balwit inspired by the art of Ekphrastic Review editor Lorette C. Luzajic. Click book cover image below to view or purchase on Amazon. The poem was first published at Ink and Letters. Devon Balwit teaches in Portland, OR. She has six chapbooks and two collections out or forthcoming, among them: The Bow Must Bear the Brunt (Red Flag Poetry); We are Procession, Seismograph (Nixes Mate Books), and Motes at Play in the Halls of Light (Kelsay Books). Her individual poems can be found in The Cincinnati Review, The Carolina Quarterly, Fifth Wednesday, the Aeolian Harp Folio, Red Earth Review, The Fourth River, The Free State Review, Rattle, The Inflectionist Review, The Ekphrastic Review, and more.
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February 2025