Zelfportret Vincent van Gogh Kijken tot waar het moeten ontstijgt aan wat men meent te zien, tot waar een wuivend graanveld vlaagloos overgaat in het wezen van de wind, het zaad in de zak van de zaaier in kiemkracht en het donkerend landschap in een zelfportret, op verblindend moment als dat van u zelf herkend: in bloedgeel en hoerengroen, in graanrood en kraaienblauw, in hemelzwart. Albert Hagenaars ** Self Portrait Vincent van Gogh Gazing at where compulsion arises from what one thinks one sees, at where a swaying field of grain shifts unflurrying into the being of the wind, the seed in the sower’s pouch in germinative force and the darkening landscape in a self-portrait, at a blinding moment as that self-recognised: in blood-yellow and whore-green, in grain-red and crow-blue, in sky-black. Albert Hagenaars. Translation, John Irons. Albert Hagenaars (1955, Bergen op Zoom, The Netherlands) was initially active as a visual artist and gallery owner. Besides poems, novels and translations, he also writes critical reviews on literature and modern visual art for different newspapers and the National Library Service. Several of his books have been translated, into English, German, French, Indonesian and Romanian. Albert Hagenaars has travelled a lot, in, amongst others, the United States, Latin-America and the Far East. He spends his summers living and working in Java (Indonesia), the birth place of his wife. Therefore his most important themes are travel, intercultural relations and alienation. In 2007 he received the Sakko prize, an oeuvre award, which is provided by Tamoil Nederland BV yearly. www.alberthagenaars.nl John Irons, born 1942, studied French, German and Dutch at Cambridge, where he wrote a Ph. D. thesis on poetic imagery. A professional translator for twenty years, his poetry translations have mainly been from Dutch and the Scandinavian languages. He lives in Odense, Denmark.
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February 2025